"For me, climbing isn’t just a sport; it’s a lifestyle" - A. ROHR
Climber Alex Rohr was born on November 29, 1995, in Bern, the capital of Switzerland, and climbs 9a. He already has several in his palmarès and is constantly looking to improve. Every moment when he’s not working is a good time to train for strength and endurance, to focus on that vertical world that represents an essential part of his life.
His passion for sport climbing began in 2013, when a friend convinced him to try the magic of the vertical world, transforming his life forever. Today, Alex Rohr is one of the best sport climbers around, with his achievements including challenging routes such as “The Illusionist” (Flatanger), his first 9a.
His heroes are Ueli Steck, Wolfgang Güllich, and also his friend Jonathan Siegrist. From them he draws the inspiration to always keep moving, to imagine new projects. Because the essential thing is to always challenge yourself in the continuous search for personal improvement, taking satisfaction and enjoyment from your passion.
What do you do besides climbing, in your free time?
Climbing is a passion that absorbs me completely and doesn’t leave me much free time. I also enjoy ice climbing, skiing, and doing some mountaineering-style climbing. In addition to carpentry.
We know you have a specific routine that you follow every time before attacking a pitch…
Yes. Three actions that have now become second nature to the point that I almost don’t realize what I’m doing. I always put on the same shoe first, dip my hands in the chalk twice, and take off my shirt.
How many hours do you train a day?
It varies, but at least two to four and a half hours.
What’s your favorite Karpos product?
The Artika Evo Jacket. It’s not too bulky but it always keeps me warm.
2019 - The Illusionist (9a, Flatanger)
2019 - Jungfraumarathon (9a, Gimmelwald)
2021 - Meiose (9a, Freiburg) 2021 - Finite Infinity (9a, Lehn)
2022 - Retour Gagnant (9a, Saint Léger)
2022 - La Castagne (9a+)
2022 - Flatanger - Change P1 (9a+/b)